Should We Edit Our Lives?

Don’t you sometimes wonder what if would be like if we had the opportunity to edit our lives in the same way authors edit our books?

I firmly believe everyone needs to address and evaluate what goes on in our lives and whether we’ve achieved our dreams and goals or just muddle through like we have for a long time and hope for the best.

Dreams are Fresh Produce and not something we ought to postpone because more important things at the time stand in our way. It’s better to fail than to give up on something we really want and care deeply about.

Life’s transient. The Pandemic is a reminder of what can happen when we least expect it. Nothing lasts forever and life’s so fast and intense. Taking the time to reflect on how things progress in our personal and professional lives matters as much as learning and growing and not just repeating old mistakes because it’s expected of us.

Letting go of the past and people we once cared about isn’t easy but can be achieved.
When we start to question the people in our lives, we realise who and what truly matter to us. It’s hard to move on but necessary to get the best out of life and ourselves.
True Love and Real Meaningful Relationships Never End but sometimes we must move on to be happy and fulfilled instead of pretending things are alright when they aren’t.

It’s good to hold on to the people we care about but not so good to continue to invest in people who aren’t as invested in us as we are in them and who don’t live up to our hopes and expectations of them.

When I edit my books and stories I must cut out surplus content that isn’t necessary to describe someone or something; like a scene or dialogue or even a character. It’s hard but necessary to improve the story and give my readers the best reading experience.

It’s not as simple to change what doesn’t work in real life but might be the only way to improve our wellbeing and not continue to waste time on people and situations that won’t change no matter how much we try. Some things aren’t worth the effort and time.

I wish you a wonderful and healthy and fulfilling new year.