The Emperor's New Clothes


I hope you enjoy autumn and look forward to cosy evenings, lovely food and time with family and friends.

The Emperor’s New Clothes is a literary folktale written by celebrated Danish author,
Hans Christian Andersen. It centres around a vain emperor who gets exposed for who he really is by his subjects and was published in 1837. The reason I write about it is because the subject matter is as relevant now as it was then and always will be.

The message is we must never let pride or fear prevent us from criticising something because everyone else thinks it’s good, right and important. Freedom of speech and being true to who we are and what we believe matter.

Yet, now more than ever, people are exposed to all kinds of influences, ‘essentials’ and trends we’re bombarded with daily. It’s taken over our lives to such an extent many can’t differentiate between fantasy and reality.

What Happened To Individuality and Uniqueness? Why The Need And Pressure To Be Like Everyone Else?

Freedom of speech, expressing views and being proud of who we are and core values are vital.

The same happens when we find ourselves in situations we didn’t anticipate.
When people we care about and trust suddenly turn against us and don’t live up to our expectations. I frequently meet people whose lives changed drastically after they discovered friends and family members don’t have their best interests at heart.

They can no longer pretend everything is fine when it clearly isn’t.

Humans don’t like confrontations and radical changes but it’s better to accept someone will never change and be the person we respect and like than continue to make the effort and waste time on them.

The Emperor’s New Clothes is as much about the right to speak our mind as it is about Trusting and Liking someone for who they are not who they pretend to be to fit in with everyone’s opinion or self importance.

No one’s Perfect and we must accept each of us has flaws. But I draw the line when people deliberately inflict pain and heart break just because they think they’re right when that’s not the case. Now I know who my Real friends are and don’t waste time on those that aren’t. Family, friends, colleagues, are part of our lives but I don’t need to be accepted, liked and valued by everyone. Only the ones that truly matter to me.
Always remember to value Yourself and don’t let anyone tell lies about you behind your back while Pretending to care about you.

Dishonesty, Lies, Deceit and Inability to Value people and Have Deep Insight into what’s True and False Destroy Friendships, Families and Trust.

Be proud of yourself and never permit anyone to tell lies about you.

It’s easy to think we can rely on people we’ve known all our lives but Time means nothing, only character.

Have a great autumn.
With love, Hélene