Nothing Lasts Forever


Are you determined to pick up from where you left things before the virus?

Perhaps, the thought of continuing the way you used to, same routine and plans doesn’t appeal as much as you believed?

I’ve learned so much about myself in the last year. How much things I didn’t think matter actually do, who I want to spend time with and what makes me fulfilled and happy. Seeing the big picture, and realising more than ever, how precious life is, made me re- evaluate what I want to invest time with, and not.

What I’ve learned most of all, is to live here and now and not plan ahead so much, and make the most of what I have instead of wishing there’s more to experience and be part of. Living in the moment, and being open to everything that goes on around me, not just daily events in my life. Prioritising what makes me feel good and not postpone my own needs until later.

Nothing Lasts Forever. Live Your Best Life And Don’t Plan Ahead Too Much.

Don’t Postpone What Can Be Achieved Today.

So many people postpone what truly matters, and focus on the same things. Some are scared of testing unknown territory, others don’t value their own needs. Everyone experiences self doubt from time to time, but the trick is to just go with the flow and not analyse everything.

Life Happens Regardless Of Whether We’re prepared For It.

The pandemic happened and is out of our control. We just muddle through, somehow, just like we always do when life changes and we can’t fix what’s wrong. Survival is what matters most now. Life as we once knew it, won’t be the same again.

Make the most of your life.

With much love,

Hélene x