Are you addicted to cyberspace?


We live in strange times, with a pandemic that’s controlling lives, and the never ending need to be part of everything that goes on around us. Not so long ago, before the explosion of gadgets and the Internet, people didn’t feel the need and pressure to engage with everything that weren’t part of a daily routine, work, personal lives, family and friends. What caused it? How did we suddenly find ourselves in this situation, permitting technology to rule lives?

Sure, technology is great. The people and things we get to engage with, discovering new friends, and places we hardly knew existed. The list goes on.

But there’s a downside to accessing everything whenever we want to: Human connections, Physical contact and Real meaningful communications. Surfing the Internet, following social media trends and celebrities can be fun for a while but what happens after? When everyone returns to their own lives? Cyberspace can be addictive.

The Internet, gadgets and social media are just as addictive as alcohol and other drugs. Getting up in the middle of the night checking messages and calls, disrupt lives causing mental problems, obsessions and much more. Fixating on what goes on all the time is the ultimate proof of unhealthy dependency on what we’re made to believe must be part of our lives.

Take the time to think about what You can do to change your daily need to be online. Life’s short and precious. Discover ways of connecting in the Real world, live life in the moment. Contact and spend time with the people you love and care about and switch off gadgets from time to time and discover the true beauty of living life here and now.

With much love,
Hélene xx

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay